Everyday Pond Fish Food
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Sizes Available
290g, 1050g and 2000g
A complete and nutritionally balanced diet for all pond fish.
Recreates the natural, insect-based diet that pond fish would eat naturally.
3mm diameter pellets which are easily consumed by all pond fish over 8cm in length
Specially formulated with Insect meal to promote health and easy digestion whilst reducing waste.
Naturally enhances the colour of your pond fish using Spirulina algae, shrimp, krill, grass meal, and carrot.
Contains natural ingredients to support the fishes health including Garlic, Beta Glucans, and omega oils
Feeding Instructions
Feed 1 – 2 times per day on as much as your fish will eat in 5 minutes. Avoid overfeeding as any uneaten food will decompose and pollute the water, encouraging algae growth. At water temperatures below 10oC feed FishScience Cold Weather Food.

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